Label: Future Music Records
Booking: info@fmbooking.com
Territory: Worldwide
This is not a success story. As the youngest son, growing up in the shadow of his older brother and his heartless gang, Andris came under the spell of colorful machines and press button gadgets very early on in life, creating his own dream world. As he elaborates: “I started using audio editors in 1994, I made house-like music with a program called Fastracker, and we made a remix of Queen’s Another one bites the dust song with a record player and a pc…”, which in itself is enough to suggest fishy aesthetics. Then came goatrance. He first came across this genre in 1996 at a party organized by Kenguru, where he fell in love with the style and following the path of a spoilt dandy, he spent quite a lot of pocket money on vinyl records. At that time in Hungary, there were already many talented DJs spinning psychedelic music, like Oleg, Jirzsij, and Virág, but the psytrance scene was still in its infancy, so it was easy for Andere to have his place in the sun. (This is history, but if healthy goasnobism had developed at the right time in Hungariandom, Wegha Andere might not have been able to crush the parties that the committed performers cultivating the profession with humbleness and on an artistic level had built up with engineered preciseness during the night.) So it happened in 1998 that Wegha’s name also appeared on the lineup of the Halásztelek Party, regarded cultic today as the Hungarian pioneer of open-air party series, and then stayed there throughout a whole decade, for what seemed an eternity. Then, as one of the permanent actors of the Budapest psychedelic scene, he kept ascending towards the world’s stage at the side of the great and unrepeatable dj Virág: from 2000 to 2005 they hosted Sunday Deep Smile sessions to fame, and in 2001 Turbopauza was formed, a popular live-act (bass guitar, conga/percussion, KORG SX sampler, Roland Phantom keyboard), as many believed, deserving of a much better fate than met. The formation had lots of gigs ’till 2008, among them on the main and chill stage at Ozora. Since then he had super unsuccessful attempts in electronic music This, of course, in no way satisfied Wegha’s aspirations: from 2007 he was also co-managing a club, the justly infamous/famous Szociál KLub in Közraktár on the bank of Danube, the headquarters of his own club-nights featuring international psytrance artists, with which the inglorious achiever has appeared at several places in the Budapest nights since then. Ten long years had to pass for this pleasant fairy-world to get fed up with Andere’s conceit, arrogance, and inexpertness… but finally, at the 2008 O.Z.O.R.A. Festival (psychedelic tribal gathering) the visitors did not have to read his name among those in the lineup. However, Destiny – this capricious and cruel dictator of our lives – once again put the long-suffering, treehugger colony’s tolerance to the test: the Organizers could do nothing else but put Wegha on the main stage in place of Simon Posford, who was verifiably absent due to sickness. The ‘dog and pony show’ then called a dj set, was followed by a longer, almost ethereal silence, to our biggest relief… and through our plain old common sense would have made us expect seven years of Canaan after seven years of famine, unfortunately, believing the Bible, after a short break, 2010 became the truly black letter year for every refined partygoer, for this was when Wegha Andere, this wolf in sheep’s clothing ‘einstand’-ed the best weekday, Thursday: at Margit Island’s duly popular ChaChaChaCabrio in the summer and set up base at the U26 from autumn. Then everyone’s fears came true: there was a new crack in the psychedelic space-time continuum: at the revived Halásztelek in the Pilis, and we could also hear his unworthy shows on Avatar too. And all of those people who still had hopes that the disturbance in the Force would cease and the divine order of the Universe would be restored, underestimated Wegha, this psytrance Anakin Skywalker. Because this villain, having deposited his soul at the feet of the Devil by way of a Faustian contract, would, sure enough, yank even the angels from the heavens – there’s no question about how he got to the head position of an international festival. Stuff like this happens and that’s it. Just like he became part of the roaster of Future Music.